
How to Buy Bitcoin in Kenya

Buy Bitcoin in Kenya

The popularity of cryptocurrencies is increasing day by day as more people seek ways to leverage on these digital assets, either to make a living out of it, send or receive payments or as a store of value.

Bitcoin is the leading cryptocurrency in this space, with many expecting or speculating with the forth coming bull run in 2024, the price of Bitcoin will soar high even though this is not guaranteed. In case you are in Kenya and wondering how to buy your next Bitcoin, gives you access to buy the cryptocurrency among other assets listed on the platform.

Why Buy Bitcoin in Kenya?

Bitcoin has a history that dates back to its launch in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Worth noting, this cryptocurrency is not owned or controlled by anybody or any entity. Purchasing Bitcoin means you have the responsibility to owning and storing it by yourself.

The Bitcoin price history shows that the crypto asset has generated remarkable growth over time, with those buying the currency targeting long term gains. Even though Bitcoin is very volatile, long-term investors have made huge gains for instance, between 2017 and 2018, the price shot up from $1,000 to $20,000, which is a 1900 percent increase in its price, something that is almost possible in the traditional financial markets. The volatility of Bitcoin can be mitigated by converting it to other stable cryptocurrencies such as USDT, especially in times of a bearish market.

Upon understanding the long-term perspective of Bitcoin, it is right to deduce that this cryptocurrency can be used as a store of value because of its price appreciating over time. The increase in Bitcoin price is driven by its limited supply while demand increases over time. Therefore, as someone interested in an alternative and better performing store of value, Bitcoin offers this sought after investment avenue. One just requires to undertake own research on the best places to store Bitcoin such as on private wallets, which can be on mobile applications, desktop software or even hardware devices.

Bitcoin offers you who is interested in improving personal finance through savings, a mechanism to beat or hedge against inflation. Globally, inflation is becoming a major concern because it directly reduces the wealth of the citizens. For instance, Kenya’s inflation stands at 6.8 percent an increase from 6.7 in the month of May 2023. The outcome of this increase in inflation rates is that the citizens who are saving in traditional banks continue to experience a decline in their wealth.

In real terms, this means if inflation increased by 50% and you have Ksh 100,000 in your bank account, the savings would be an equivalent to Ksh 50,000. Contrastingly, if you hold your money in Bitcoin and the price remains stable or increases over a long term, you get an opportunity to increase your savings by the respective percentage increase of Bitcoin price and inflation levels become irrelevant to you as an investor.

Furthermore, you can convert your Bitcoin back to Kenyan shillings at any time. Therefore, having considered above reasons why you should buy Bitcoin in Kenya, here is a seamless process on how to acquire the cryptocurrency on

How to Buy Bitcoin in Kenya

Buying Bitcoin in Kenya is now simple with the Binusu exchange. All you need is following 5 simple steps:

1. Visit and click on Create Account fill in all the required sections with your personal information. Once you’ve successfully signed up including verifying your email, you now have access to your exchange dash board.

2. Login into your account, and proceed to the BUY and SELL section on your upper left hand. Feed in the sections as prompted on the dashboard, and enter the amount of Bitcoin you want to buy. Note: You can buy any amount starting from KES 1850 and we have no limit on maximum.

3. Click on the Exchange button at the bottom of your order/dashboard page and enter your Bitcoin wallet address that will store your Bitcoin safely. There are different private wallets that allow you to safely store your Bitcoin. See here.

4. It’s that simple. You’ve successfully placed a BUY Bitcoin order in Kenya, on Binusu exchange platform. Our agent will reach out and guide you on the next process of depositing funds to binusu either using M-PESA or bank transfer. In return, you get a BTC balance equivalent to the Kenyan shilling or USD amount bought while placing the order.

5. Proceed to your corresponding Bitcoin wallet address that you provided and confirm your first Bitcoin purchase with us.

For more information about Binusu;

Reach out to one of our agents on +256705972117 / +254724881003



